We had a nice new session on Offshore Outsourcing at SES London today. I personally enjoyed presenting and the Q&A segment was very interesting in my opinion. I also got some nice feedback which is always nice. Globally I think it was a good session. If you were there, please let us know what you thought! :)

I promised to a few people that I'd make the powerpoint available right away, so here it is; there is a download link at the bottom of this post. It's a bit heavy (2.6 MB) so I'll see if I can somehow come up with a lighter version.

Also, as promised, here's a longer list of sites you can use to start outsourcing work today:

If you're already using another site that works well for you, please let us know also!

Finally, if you have some unanswered questions, feel free to post them below.

Thanks for your feedback! ;)


File: seofrancois-outsourcing-everything.ppt

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: Thomas

Hy Francois,

Great speech yesterday! I think people here in UK are still not feel very comfortable to outsource their work, but you are a great example how it can work successfully.

All the best Tom

2010-02-18 13-00