This is a utility post for anyone going to a4uexpo and looking for some above average food... especially steak:

  • The best place in town is called "Zum Goldenen Kalb" - Utzschneidertr.1 80469 München. The filet is just as juicy as the best you'd get in the US... and the spinach... don't even get me started on the spinach! (and it's MMWYE approved ;)
  • The Hilton Am Tucherpark hotel restaurant is also pretty decent. The filet is less awesome than am Goldenen Kalb but the lentils... yes the lentils... are just the best I ever had! Seriously!

Note: if you wonder what's up with spinach, lentils and slow carbs in general, check out the 4 hour body book by Tim Ferris ;)

Other places of interest:

  • Cafe Rischart am Marienplatz for all sorts of cakes ;)
  • There's also that awesome Spatenhaus an der Oper (near the Opera) with the insane schnitzl... some of the best I ever had ;)